Bahasa Inggris Kementerian,. (2014)

"Text-based approach is the way to language and literacy education that combines an understanding of genre and genre teaching together in the EFL class."

Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X

“Usage of language for learners is more important than the digestion of an unapplied system of grammatical forms.”

Oxford Practice Grammar

“A structural syllabus is based on the structures of a language. It can be compared to other types of syllabi based around tasks, vocabulary, functions or topics. Learners learn grammatical structures in a sequence that reflects their complexity, rather than their use in communication, leading to many artificial contexts for practice, and perhaps an inability to transfer learning to real communication.”

Bahasa Inggris Utami et al (2014)

“Usage of language for learners is more important than the digestion of an unapplied system of grammatical forms.”

Bahasa Inggris "When English Ring a Bell" Wachidah, S,. Gunawan, A,. (2014)

“Usage of language for learners is more important than the digestion of an unapplied system of grammatical forms.”

Kamis, 01 Juni 2017

Task 6: Evaluating English Text Book

Text Book: Bahasa Inggris "When English Ring a Bell"
Wachidah, S,. & Gunawan, A,. (2014) Bahasa Inggris "When English Ring a Bell". Balitbang: Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan. Kemdikbud

Based on website exploration, our group learned from
that a functional-notional syllabus is:

Task 5: Evaluating English Text Books

Text Book: Bahasa Inggris
Utami et al (2014). Bahasa Inggris. Jakarta: Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan. Balitbang: Kemdikbud

Based on website exploration, our group learned from

Task 4: Evaluating English Text Books

Text Book: Oxford Practice Grammar
Eastwood, J. (1999). Oxford Practice Grammar. Berlin: Oxford University Press.

Based on website exploration, our group learned from

Task 3: Evaluating English Text Books

Text book: Bahasa Inggris
Kementerian,. (2014) Bahasa Inggris. Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.

Based on website exploration, our gorup learned from